Welcome to PokerFaceNews’ Advertise With Us Section. If you have read our About Us page then you will know that we started out with a very young team of poker enthusiasts. We know how important it is for a company to improve its brand image and get a steady flow of quality traffic.
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PokerFaceNews strives to provide its readers with up-to-date coverage and exclusive content of the poker world. Our level of commitment along with our reach in the community, the quality and frequency of our content provides a rich background for sponsors and advertisers who are looking to gain a competitive advantage.
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You aren’t able to convey your value proposition to potential clients with a banner? PokerFaceNews provides you with the chance to convey your products value in form of an article with one external link. We publish your text on our website and you will have the opportunity to promote it on our social media stream.
Text Advertisement We redirect traffic by hyperlinking words you choose in our articles.
We redirect traffic by hyperlinking words you choose in our articles. Text ads work best when they are relevant to the theme in the article. With PokerFaceNews you can be assured that the words you choose are not only the cornerstone of the article but SEO optimized.
Social Media
Social media leads have become an important contributor in the advertising industry because they get an extra boost with social proof. PokerFaceNews provides you with the opportunity of promoting your goods and services through our social media.
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If you require any customized banner or a detailed advertising strategy, please contact our partner PokerFacePR. They certainly will be able to offer you a quality service at a fair price.